Mar/Apr News 15

Barry's a Knockout

There was great excitement on Thursday  26th March when we were joined by St Columba’s for the end of the P4 ‘Happy Hearts’ programme.  We were 2 of only 13 schools in Northern Ireland who were selected to take part and the P4s thoroughly enjoyed the six weeks of health and fitness training provided by the Barry McGuigan Boxing Academy.  It was topped off by a visit from the man himself who congratulated them and presented the school with some equipment to help keep up the good work.  Of course the rest of the school wanted to meet the Ex-world champion boxer and they were not disappointed.  He spent time chatting and encouraging the children to take part in all kinds of sport so that they can enjoy a healthy, happy lifestyle.


School Life

We had some special assemblies over the last couple of months apart from the one to welcome Barry McGuigan.  At our special Easter Assembly we were entertained by a number of musicians who take lessons in the school and we said a sad farewell to Mrs Gordon, our school cook, who has made us so many delicious meals over the years.

The P7s have been receiving tuition in archery over a six week period and took part in a mini tournament last Thursday.  This gave them the chance to shoot outside in preparation for their big tournament next week.  Good luck to all our budding Robin Hoods and Maid Marians.


The International Dance Day was on Wednesday 29th April and to celebrate the whole school spent a week learning and creating dances inspired by music from many different places around the world.  On Wednesday we had a special assembly where everyone got to perform in front of the rest of the school.

Cara showed us her ballet shoes and demonstrated her positions, Lauren and Madison performed a dance they had made up themselves and each class then took to the floor. 

P1 and 2 began with some traditional dances, including a Maypole dance, in preparation for the 1st May.  P3 and 4 did some Scottish ceili dancing and some Bollywood dancing.  Lastly the senior school danced to Russian music and the rest of the school then joined them for a final salsa session.  Everyone agreed it was an interesting but exhausting way to begin the day!

Duck Derby
Duck Derby and BBQ at Laughlin’s Farm on Thursday 28th May at 7pm in aid of NI Kidney Research Fund.  
Sports Day
Sports Day will be at 1pm on Friday 29th May. (weather permitting).  
Prize Night and Concert
 24th June 2015 at 7.30 pm