The P5, 6 & 7 pupils had a talk and workshop from Northern Ireland Water on 25th November about keeping healthy, water pollution and safety around reservoirs and water sources.
The Eco-committee stall at the craft fair raised £150 for Eco-projects such as their planting and their hedgehog hotel. We are also continuing to recycle printed materials, ink cartridges and textiles, through ‘Cash for Clobber’, and after Christmas we will be recycling cards and stamps.
On Friday 21st November the playschool came to visit P1 and 2 when they partied and had a bouncy castle as part of the day’s fun and our craft fair and open morning were on Saturday 29th November. They were both very well attended with the PTA stalls raising over £600 towards school projects. Thanks to all those staff, pupils and parents who gave up their time to come in and help out.
Christmas Festivities
Wednesday 17th December was the carol service in First Kilrea Presbyterian Church. The children led the service and the church was packed with family and friends to listen to them singing their Christmas songs. The collection raised £185 for each of the two charities. The Christmas jumper day raised an additional £100 for Save the Children which will be matched by government funding to mark their anniversary, giving them a total of £570. Thanks again for your continued generosity.
As well as the carol service school pupils displayed their singing talents two other times in the last few weeks. Firstly they were at the switching on of the lights at Kilrea Diamond on Saturday 6th December and then, on Thursday 11th December, 20 children travelled to Belfast to take part in ’An African Christmas’ at the Waterfront Hall. They performed with the African Children’s Choir and over 400 children from schools throughout Northern Ireland. Thanks again to all those who came out to support them.
Last Friday we went to St Paul’s to see their production entitled ‘Musical Mayhem’ where they performed extracts from Annie, Oliver and Grease.
On Wednesday Mrs Greer and Mrs Holmes served up a delicious Christmas dinner. There were prizes for the best Christmas jumper design in each class and we wore our own Christmas outfits, making donations to Save the Children Fund.