Mar/Apr News

Wacky Wigs and Hippy Hair Day

On Friday 11th April there were some crazy hairstyles on display in Kilrea Primary School as we had our Wacky Wigs and Hippy Hair Day in aid of The Little Princess Trust.  This was inspired by Sara Gibson in P3 who had decided to donate her beautiful long hair to the charity which makes wigs for children suffering from cancer.  Prizes were awarded for the most outstanding hairstyles and a total of £300 was donated to the charity.  The grand cutting ceremony was carried out on Saturday 19th April at a fun day organised by Sara’s Mum and grandmother.

Class Updates

P1 & 2 have been looking at houses.  They have talked about which materials they are made from and how they are built.  They have drawn and built their own houses in art and at playtime from all kinds of unusual things.
They also look forward to their Wellie Wednesdays when they can get out and about, no matter what the weather, and find all sorts of interesting things around the school.
Primary 3 & 4 have been investigating mini-beasts and creepy crawlies and have spent a lot of time in the wildlife area looking for worms and seeing which creatures have checked into the bug hotel.
They have also been looking for signs of spring, writing acrostic poems on the subject and have created a very colourful display with their insects made from junk. 

P5 & 6 have been learning about Ancient Egypt.  They have learned about the climate and the country, what the houses were like, what kind of clothes they wore and what foods they ate.  More excitingly they carried out a (pretend) mummification and  learned about Tutankhamun, the boy king who was discovered in 1922 by Howard Carter, with most of his treasure trove intact.  Now they are looking forward to seeing Northern Ireland’s very own mummy, Takabuti.
P7 have been busy starting with their 2 day trip to Londonderry.  Along with the P7 class from St Columba’s they toured the city and walked the walls, learning some of the history and took part in some outdoor activities.  They have also had art workshops with local artists Adrian Margey and Connor Larkin.  Another cultural visitor was Mr John Scullion who took a drumming workshop for P5, 6 & 7 called ‘Fun with sticks’. Finally they have begun their own mini industry by choosing a managing director, allocating jobs, deciding on a project, visiting Protec wear and having a talk on business and PR from Mr Downey.


The P7s have been receiving tuition in handball over a six week period and took part in a mini tournament at the end, where the boys came 2nd and the girls came 1st in their respective sections.  The trainer, Gary, is now coming into school in the summer term, to teach some of those skills to the younger children.
The football team continue to play well, coming third in their set of matches and the netball team were even more successful in their tournament in the Jim Watt Centre where they took first prize.
Another new activity for many of them was orienteering.  Mr Corscadden gave the P6s and 7s some training and then the P7s took part in a competition in Drum Manor.  Unfortunately there were no winners on this occasion but they are ready and raring to go next year.

 African Antics

A group of 11 pupils took part in a concert in the Millennium Forum on Saturday 12th April along with the African children’s Choir and Barazina youth choir.  There were five schools also represented that night which meant there were around 200 children on stage. The African Children’s Choir was made up of 16 children from Uganda who have been touring for over a year now.  The money raised from their concerts will go towards their future education and other support projects.
We’re also glad to report that Mrs Cooper has returned fit and well from her trip to Zomba in Malawi.  While the rest of us were enjoying the Easter weather she, and the rest of the team, was digging, painting and working hard to finish an orphanage being built as part of Zomba Action Project (ZAP).  We look forward to hearing her report next week.


As always you have been most generous in your support of local charity events.
£300 was donated from the school to The Little Princess Trust, through Sara Gibson’s ongoing fund raising, and donations were also made to the Daisy Chain Walk which, staggeringly, raised over £21,000.  On behalf of the organisers we wish to pass on their thanks for the support of the whole community.
Prize Night & Concert
25th June at 7.30 pm