January/February News 2011

Robot Wars
They say that there’s a ‘streak of geek’ in all of us and that was never more apparent than when we got stuck in to our two maths, and technology workshops for P5, 6 & 7. First we had the Northern Bank ‘Science Counts’ W5 Roadshow on Friday 21st January which included a whole-school maths show and a K’nex building challenge for Key Stage 2. Vehicles were constructed and raced down ramps with Anthony Gibson, Christopher Gordon and Brandon Patterson finally emerging the winners. This is to be followed with a visit to W5 in Belfast later this month.
Two weeks later, on Thursday 3rd February, Mr Darren Houston from the Sentinus programme brought us a robotics challenge which involved writing programs on our mini laptops, uploading to our bots and sending them off down the winding tracks towards the finish line. Everyone had a great time and Natalie Armstrong and Lydia Bloomfield were declared the winners for their accurate calculations and programming.
Class Updates
There have been some ‘Grand Designs’ in P1 and 2 where they have been studying houses and homes. They have been recording the types of houses people live in, choosing furniture from the catalogues to furnish different rooms and writing about their own homes on the computer. They have even made houses from gingerbread and had lots of fun decorating them with icing and sweet treats.

Primary 3 & 4 have been finding out about how houses are built. They have surveyed the wide variety of houses on the Lisnagrot Road, compared the types of materials used and learned about the dangers of a construction site. They have even designed the interior furnishings including the wallpaper. They have made houses out of fabric and cardboard and have used pastels to draw famous buildings such as the Huntertwasser house in Vienna.

Primary 5, 6 & 7 have been studying ‘The Blue Planet’ with work ranging from comparing the length of the world’s longest rivers, following the lifecycle of an eel, recording the monthly rainfall, researching sea-creatures and famous ships, making paddle-boats and learning about the Belfast shipyards. They have painted with water-colours, written stories and poems and drawn graphs. Most of all they have learnt about how lucky we are to have so much water and why, even in this country, we need to conserve it.
Due to the snowfalls the visit from World of Owls’ was postponed twice before Christmas but it was third time lucky when Mike came to talk to us on Friday 14th January, accompanied by a celebrity owl, a spider, some giant cockroaches, a bearded dragon and a snake. Everyone learned a lot about keeping different animals and those who had the nerve even got to hold some of them.
Wedded Bliss
P7 enjoyed their trip to Coleraine Council Offices where they had a tour of the offices, debated in the council chamber and some even had the chance to wear the mayoral chain. The highlight of the trip was, of course, the wedding of the year when Andrew Stinson ‘married’ Natalie Armstrong, attended by best man, Leon Armstrong and bridesmaid, Ellen Alexander. The reception was held in Kilrea Primary School canteen and would you believe it, they didn’t even keep us a piece of cake!
All Set
P4 & 5 pupils have been joining those from St Columba’s for ‘All Set’, a project about Irish and Scottish musical and dance traditions. Along the way they have made new friends, talked about their hobbies and interests and interviewed their grandparents about the dancing they may have done in their youth.
The project will end with an evening of music and dance in Kilrea Town Hall on Thursday 24th February when the children will perform for their parents and friends.
Charity Presentations
On Friday 4th February we welcomed Beth McIlrath from ‘Save the Children’ and Roisin McCaughan and Elizabeth Snelling from the ‘Zomba Action Project’ to accept cheques for £130 each , the proceeds of our carol service. They explained to us how the money would be used to buy much needed resources for children in other parts of the world.
Diary Dates
Book Week
This year our fancy dress day will be held on Friday 4th March and the winners will receive book tokens to spend at the book fair. Books will be available to buy on Monday 7th March between 2 pm and 7 pm.

P6 Meeting
There will be a meeting for P6 parents to discuss next year’s transfer arrangements on Monday 7th March at 7.00 pm. NB: This is a change to the previous letter. If you are unable to attend please contact Mrs Stinson for information.