Nov/Dec News

Roll up, roll up

Enrolment is now open for September 2014.  If you have a younger child who is ready for school or know of someone who intends to enrol their child, and have not received the forms, please contact Mrs Stinson or Miss Young in the school office.  Forms are officially due in by 12.00 noon on 10th January 2014.  If you missed the open morning please ring for an appointment to see around at another time.

Christmas Countdown

As the temperatures dropped and winter came upon us it was time for the usual festivities.  The annual carol service was held in Second Kilrea Presbyterian Church and the church was packed to capacity with many families and friends joining us.
As there were no local drama productions taking place this year the whole school had a Christmas fun day instead on Thursday 12th December.  Mrs Cooper organized some Christmas themed games in the hall, Mrs Gordon and Mrs Greer served up a delicious Christmas dinner and the day ended with a Christmas themed movie.  There were also prizes for those with the best Christmas themed costumes or the Christmas jumper.  For the staff award it was a tough decision between Mrs Stinson’s Rudolph and Miss McKeown’s Christmas tree.
The school choir performed twice; first at the switching on of the lights at Kilrea Diamond on Saturday 7th December and then again in the Danske Bank on Thursday 12th.
Many thanks to all those who have come along and supported us and for your generosity to our various appeals.  This month alone you have donated over £300 to the Poppy Appeal and the Phillipine's appeal.



On Friday 22nd November the playschool came to visit P1 and 2 when they partied and had a bouncy castle as part of the day’s fun.  The rest of the school had a non-uniform day and some time on the bouncy castle to raise funds for the Phillipine’s disaster appeal.
Our open morning was on Saturday 30th November and was very well attended.  Thanks to all those pupils and parents who gave up their time to come in and chat to new parents and children.
The P6 & 7 pupils also had a talk and workshop led by the charity Childline on how to deal with various issues such as making friends, who to talk to when worried and bullying.