May/June News

Bombs Away!

Dozens of parents, friends and relations packed into the assembly hall on Tuesday 25th June to see this year’s P7 perform their play ‘Bombs Away’.  Ably supported by the choral skills of the rest of the school the pupils provided a great night’s entertainment.  Following a short interval to cool down with some ice-cream Rev. McCormick and Mrs Stinson took to the stage to give their annual reports.  The annual cups and awards were then presented by Mrs McCormick and everyone agreed that 2012/13 had been another very busy but successful year.  Roll on September!
P6 and 7 had their own mini parents night along with St Columba’s pupils to mark the end of another successful CRED project.  They also displayed the work from their Pushkin project on the theme of ‘Sources’.  They displayed their art work and topic work in the town hall and performed songs and poems to their parents and friends.

Day Trippers

P1,2 and 3 had a great day out at The World of Owls finding out about all kinds of birds and other animals.
P4 and 5 visited the War Memorial Museum in Belfast to find out about the Belfast Blitz, followed by a picnic in People’s Park.
P6 and 7 finished off their salmon project with a visit to Bushmills fisheries to see the mature fish.  P7 also hope to attend the final parade on Thursday which celebrates Coleraine 400, commemorating the town charter granted toThe Honourable The Irish Society.

Sporting Heroes 

There have been all kinds of sports going on in school this month.  We held our Potted Sports on a Wartime theme on Friday 24th May and everyone had a lot of fun with the older children helping the younger children in their teams to compete in lots of wacky games.  Our traditional sports day was on Friday 31st May and although it was a little overcast the rain held off until we had our races run. 
We also had a visit from two professionals from the Darren Clarke Golf Academy who taught us some basics of the game and encouraged us to get out and try it, perhaps even becoming the next Rory McIlroy.
P6 and 7 finished off their six weeks of Olympic handball training with a small schools tournament in Kilrea Sports hall and proudly emerged in second place.  We hope this is something which will be continued next year and roll on Rio 2016.


We had lots of visitors this month with another visit from the Ulster-Scots drama group.
The upper school also welcomed Mrs Clarke and Mr Lynch who brought along lots of artifacts from World War 2 and Mr Lynch talked about his earliest memories, growing up beside an American army base in Omagh during the 1940s.
P5 had a visit from the Fire service, Anu, who is an artist came to help P6 and 7 with their Pushkin project and Paul came and provided ‘Fun for All’.

Extra-Curricular Activities

Several children have been studying music and speech and drama within school and congratulations to all those who have recently passed their exams (and good luck to those still awaiting their results).  The staff have also been studying this year with 4 of the classroom assistants doing a course on Reading  Partners and the teachers doing a course on Understanding Literacy Problems, specifically Dyslexia.
Thanks to all those who participated in the walk in Portglenone Forest, which raised £1712 in aid of the Neo-Natal Unit at Antrim Hospital.   Once again your generosity has been amazing and every penny is much appreciated.
Additional thanks to those kindly souls who turned out to paint, weed, trim and plant things in the school grounds as part of our summer clean-up campaign.
Best wishes to all our P7 pupils who head off in many different directions to Ballymena, Ballymoney, Coleraine, Cullybackey and Magherafelt.
We hope you don’t forget your time in Kilrea Primary and we look forward to seeing and hearing about your many successes in the future.