Sept/Oct News

We held our ‘Get to Know You’ night on Thursday 27th September 2012 when parents were invited to come along and have an informal chat, both to the teachers and each other. There was also the opportunity to hear how reading is now taught in schools and to see the wide range of resources available for readers of all ages and abilities. Thanks again to all those who attended.

In P1, 2 & 3 this term they have been learning all about themselves. They have labeled the parts of the body, sorted themselves and drawn graphs and talked about their feelings. They also read the story of ’Funnybones’ before painting, drawing and making some groovy dancing, jumping and diving skeletons.

Primary 4 –7 have been studying the topic of buildings. They had a walk around the town to look at local buildings and have looked at differences around the world. Primary 6 & 7 have been looking at ‘Super Structures’, investigating the science behind some of the tallest buildings in the world. They have made scale drawings and researched famous buildings and architects.  One of the highlights of the topic was a visit from local architects, Jessica and Adam, from McGarry-Moon, who told us all about the training and the job.
There have been a few outings this term. First of all Mrs Stinson and two lucky P7 pupils, were invited to accompany Mrs Gordon and Mrs Greer to the Titanic building when they went to collect their award as best school kitchen in the NEELB.

P6 & 7 also had a visit to the Bank of Ireland where they found out about what banking involves as well as being allowed to count the money and see inside the vault.
Not to be outdone P1, 2 & 3 had a lovely morning to Wood Hall for an Autumn woodland walk, where they hunted for mini beasts and played among the leaves.

Kidz and Co is back on this year, between 10 a.m. and 12 noon on Wednesday mornings in the school assembly hall. All Mums, Dads, grandparents or child-minders who have small babies or toddlers at home are welcome to come along, have a cuppa and catch up while the kids play.

Once again we have a number of experts in school to give us tuition in a variety of subjects. Mr Eamon Curry from the IFA provides coaching in fundamental skills for P1-4, Mrs Christina McGarvey takes all classes for Spanish and Mr Mark Anderson and Mr Keith Lyttle teach tin whistle and violin through the Ulster Scots Society. We also have tutors from the North Eastern Board who provide tuition in violin and woodwind.

This term’s after-school club has been football, taken by Mrs Cooper, and has been valuable in preparing the team for the first of this year’s matches, where they performed admirably. If any parents are available to help with transportation or supervising at school events please see Mrs Cooper to fill in the appropriate vetting forms.

The European Day of languages was celebrated on Friday 28th September with games and activities using as many different languages as possible. This has become an annual event and along with other curricular work has helped us to be reaccredited with the International School Award for another three years. Thanks to all the speakers and visitors who have helped us gain this achievement.