September News 2010

Your Number's Up
Parents returned to school on Thursday 16th September for some extra maths lessons. Mrs Stinson explained the current maths initiatives contained within the NI curriculum which focus on the practical application of numeracy skills and more investigations to develop a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts.
Parents also had the opportunity to look at a range of maths games which will be sent home so they can share them with their children in the same way as they do with story sacks.
Parents were also able to brush up on their subtraction and chat to the teachers over a welcome cup of tea provided by the PTA. Thanks to all those who attended.

Kidz and Co
If you, or someone you know has younger children then make a date for Wednesdays, in the assembly hall, from 10.00 am to 12.00. You can come along to meet and play with other Mums and tots, as well as have a cuppa and catch up.
We were delighted to welcome back such a good number of last year’s regulars and there is an open invitation to newcomers. There is also a fireside quiz in circulation to raise funds to replace some of the toys and the Mum’s would greatly appreciate your support.

P1 & 2
We have welcomed the new pupils into P1 and they have been having fun with P2, learning all about Autumn. They have been on an Autumn walk and collected all kinds of seeds and fruits including apples, conkers, fir cones, mushrooms and berries. They also learned about the dangers of some of them and how to stay safe.
They have been looking at how things in nature change with the seasons, how the leaves change colour and fall off the trees and at the beginning of the month they helped to harvest the potatoes from our organic garden.

P3 & 4
Primary 3 & 4 are learning about the body this term and have been naming the parts of the body, making funky faces and finding out about how important the five senses are and the difficulties of coping without them. They have even been learning some sign language.
This week they have been looking at teeth and next week they are having a toothbrush day when they will be investigating how good they are at brushing their teeth.

Primary 5, 6 & 7 have been learning about the body too. They have researched interesting body facts, discovered what the cranium, the patella and the femur are, tested their pulse rates and learned about keeping their hearts healthy, drawn their family trees and painted portraits of themselves and each other. P5 and 6 have imagined what it would be like to be a superhero with extra special strength and powers and P7 have been researching and writing about famous people.

Our Eco-garden is through to the final of Impact 2010 and on Wednesday 6th October the Eco-Committee will travel to the Waterfront Hall in Belfast to find out the results. Don’t forget to vote on-line if you haven’t done so already.
We still have a stock of recycled uniforms so if you need a spare sweatshirt, t-shirt, skirt or trousers try us first. There are also a few pairs of football boots left, which can be yours for a small donation. If you have any other boots at home which are now too small please send them in and they can be passed on to someone else too.

European Day of Languages
On Friday 24th September we celebrated European Day of Languages with a special assembly and games and activities throughout the day. Even the canteen got in on the act with a European menu and the school was decorated with flags from all over Europe.
Mrs Cooper and Mrs Roulston demonstrated their Spanish expertise with games on colours and parts of the body and Miss Steele challenged everyone to identify European flags.

Nice to see you!
On Sunday 8th August the school yard was turned into a car park as it became the last stop on a Motorcycle Rally which was in aid of Help for Heroes. We catered for over 180 bikers and supporters with refreshments as they awarded their prizes and then a cheque for over £1000 was presented to the charity. On Friday 24th September Mr Arun Sharma presented the school with a tree as a token of their appreciation. We are also delighted to welcome back our two experts this term: Mark Anderson who teaches tin whistle to Key Stage 2 pupils and Christina who teaches Spanish to P1-4.

Thanks to all those who contributed towards our cash for clobber collection. Once again the response was huge, boosting both our Eco-credentials and our bank balance to the tune of £300. This was on top of the £180 raised at our vegetable and soup sale. Thanks to Mr Stinson for harvesting the vegetables over the summer and putting them to such good use.