October/November News 2010

A Very Important Date
Many thanks for your fabulous support at October’s Mad Hatter’s Tea Party and cake sale. All the classes got into the spirit by baking their own buns and biscuits on Monday and then on Tuesday they displayed their hats at their big tea party in the assembly hall. Meanwhile the canteen had been transformed into a classic tearoom with fine china and cake-stands groaning with goodies.
Thanks to all those who contributed tray-bakes and cakes, to Mrs Gordon for making all the scones, to the staff and P.T.A. volunteers who acted as waitresses and to all the family and friends who came along and enjoyed the craic. Along the way we also raised the grand total of £560 for P.T.A. funds.

The Big Quiz
Thursday 21st October was the date for the P.T.A. AGM where 4 new faces were welcomed onto the committee in the shape of Sue Gibson, Jackie Gordon, Diane Williamson and Sandra Johnston. Those who were retiring were thanked for all their hard work and commitment over the years before the adults joined the children who had been quizzing away in the hall. Family teams then answered questions on everything from current affairs, celebrities and music to flags and American football teams. After some hot competition ‘The Twits’ were proclaimed the worthy winners.

P1 & 2
‘Our School’ has been P1 & 2’s topic this month when they have been finding out who’s who and where’s where around the school and the grounds. They even tried out the digital camera by taking photographs of all the staff.
Primary 3 & 4 have completed their topic with a look at stories about giants. They also hosted their own ‘Healthy Eating Café’ in which they acted as cooks, waiters and customers. The sandwiches and apple tarts were delicious.
Primary 5, 6 & 7 have continued their study of the body by learning about the workings of the heart, lungs and digestive system and how to keep healthy by avoiding smoking and alcohol, eating healthily and taking plenty of exercise. P5 & 6 wrote diary entries for the year 2110 and P7 plotted their own personal timelines and created artistic representations of their favourite healthy meals.

Calling all Prospective Pupils
There will be an ‘Open Afternoon’ on Tuesday 7th December from 3.15 pm to 5.00 pm when prospective pupils and parents can come and see what we, at Kilrea Primary School, have to offer. Please pass the word on to any friends, relations or neighbours who may be interested. Of course if this time doesn’t suit they can phone at any time and arrange a tour with Mrs Stinson .

Club News
After the success of last year’s Tuesday After-School Clubs they have begun again with Mrs Cooper and Mrs Stinson’s athletics being well supported in September and October.
November has seen the start of the choir, with Mr Crawford and Miss Steele, in charge and all those in P5, 6 and 7 who wish to take part are welcome to stay each Tuesday from 3.05pm until 4.15 pm.

Kidz & Co
Kidz and Co didn’t miss out on the action with their very own early Hallowe’en party on Wednesday 20th October. The kids came dressed in fancy dress and enjoyed the treats.
Thanks to all who bought a fireside quiz which raised a total of £150.

Outings and things
On Friday 15th October P6 & 7 were ‘following the yellow brick road’ to Cambridge House Grammar School in Ballymena where they saw ‘The Wizard of Oz’. They enjoyed an excellent show including performances of music, dance and drama worthy of the professional stage and we look forward to having a go ourselves later in the year. We also had a visit from the Dairy Council on 9th November who gave P5, 6 & 7 a talk on eating a balanced diet and increasing fitness.

Football Fanatics
On Wednesday 13th the football team of 7 boys and 1 girl took part in the first day of the small schools tournament at Eden Primary School. Although there were no high scores the team enjoyed the chance to play together and are looking forward to the next day of the tournament at Cullycapple Primary on Wednesday 10th November.

Dates for your diary
After School Club Dates
Choir will be held on Tuesdays 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th November and 7th December.
Tuesday 7th December 2010 from 3.15 to 5.00 pm

As Coleraine Council have cancelled all their fireworks this year there will be no hotdogs at the school on Saturday 4th December. However, Santa will be available to turn on the lights at the Diamond as usual.

Carol Service
The annual Carol Service will be on Wednesday 15th December at 7.30 pm in 2nd Kilrea Presbyterian Church.
Christmas Holidays
Santa will come to visit on Tuesday 21st December and school will close at 12.15 pm. Buses will run as normal. It will reopen on Thursday 6th January 2011.

Good Luck
Good luck to all our P7 pupils who are sitting tests in the next few weeks and to all the Mums and Dads who will be having a few stressful Saturday mornings as well!