Viva España

On Wednesday 28th April 2010 Mrs Stinson, Mrs Roulston and Miss Steele jetted off to sunny Spain to spend a few days visiting our partners in the town of Vinaros, on the eastern coast. They landed in Barcelona and then took a two hour train journey south to the pretty seaside resort.
First they visited the school and met the other teachers before exploring the surrounding countryside. The main products of the area are oranges, olives and almonds and they sampled all three during their stay. They also had the opportunity to try the vast array of sea food, including prawns in particular, for which the town is renowned.
One day was spent on a trip to Valencia to visit the Oceangraphic which houses a large collection of marine life from around the globe. During a tour of the town they also got to compare the old and new architecture of the city.
On their final day they visited a local tourist attraction called the Hermitage where a fiesta was taking place and ate paella which had been cooked outdoors in large pans.
They said their final farewells and thanked their hosts for a wonderful stay as well as for co-ordinating the project before making their weary way home on Sunday 2nd May. Muchas gracias to everyone involved in the project and we hope this is hasta luego and not adios!