Out and About
P1 and 2 have been having great fun with their new interactive whiteboard which they can now use to look at pictures and do games and activities straight from the main computer system. They have also been learning about Kilrea and have been looking at all the different shops and buildings in the town.
I’ve got a brand new combine harvester...
P3 & 4 have been learning about life down on the farm. As part of the topic they have been on a visit to Culmore Organic Farm to see cows being milked and find out about their many other environmental projects including bee keeping.
I want my ‘Mummy’
P5, 6 & 7 have begun studying ancient Egypt. P7 are building their own versions of a ‘shaduf’ for transporting water and all of the children will be finding out about pharaohs, pyramids and mummification before they go to see Queen Takabuti in the Ulster Museum.
P6 & 7 had a great day out when they joined pupils from St Columba’s to release their young salmon into the river. While they were there they did some dipping to look for other insects and creatures which live in and around that watery habitat.
P5 & 6 are also working with St Columba’s to pilot a new activity from the Zomba Action Project. Each week they look at photographs of things at home and in Malawi and post their comments and questions on a discussion forum on the Learning NI network.
Good Sports
April and May haven’t been quite as busy as March but our teams were still out and about. The boys’ football team took part in the ‘James Elliott tournament’ at Bushvalley on Wednesday 5th May which was in aid of the River Search and Rescue Service. The P7s raised £100 to donate towards the charity by organising a penalty shootout competition within school.
The girls have taken part in a netball tournament in Garvagh High School on Tuesday 20th April and are attending a hockey tournament on Friday 21st May.
This term’s After-School club has been netball and we have had two expert coaches in the form of Mrs Sandra Johnston and Mrs Elaine Halliday. Many thanks to them for giving up their time on Tuesday afternoons to help whip everyone into shape.
Officer Gillan has been back with us to talk to the P6 & 7s about stranger danger and the P7s also had a talk about the dangers of alcohol and anti-social behaviour.
P6 & 7 were treated to a visit from Cahoots Magic Maths show on Monday 17th May. Everyone received a book so they can delight their friends with some of the maths tricks but we still don’t know how the girl survived the 16 swords going though the box! All in all it was a day of mysterious magic and amazing maths.
We are also delighted to have the expertise of Mr Mark Anderson, from the Ulster-Scots Society, each week. He is teaching P5-7 pupils the tin whistle until the end of June. So far we have had only 3 weeks of training and can already play 5 tunes!
Natalie Armstrong won first prize of a family ticket to the Ulster Folk and Transport Museum in the Smokebusters competition. She had to design a poster to warn people of the dangers of smoking in the house.
Adam Rowe also won a prize in the Mullin’s competition to design an ice-cream cake and will now receive a cake made to his own specifications. I hope it tastes as good as it sounds!
Viva Espana
Mrs Stinson, Mrs Roulston and Miss Steele set off for the last visit of our Comenius project to Vinaros, a small fishing town and holiday resort on the east coast of Spain. They had a wonderful five days seeing the Spanish school, meeting their friends from Germany, Italy and Slovakia and finding out a little about real Spanish life. They even got to attend a traditional village fiesta on 1st May and see bulls running in the streets. The bulls might have been small but they had fairly large horns. We now intend to finish our two year project with a special day of European themed activities on Friday 11th June.
Eco/Sports Day
On Friday 28th May you are cordially invited to join us for our Eco/Sports Day when we hope the sun will shine. The pupils will take part in a range of environmental activities between 11 and 12 when the Mayor of Coleraine will join us to officially open our new Willow garden. (A huge thank you is due to all those parents who helped with the area and to those who came to weed and paint on our tidy-up night.)
Everyone will then picnic in the school grounds. As we did last year ice-cream will be on sale after the sports.
P1 and 2 have been having great fun with their new interactive whiteboard which they can now use to look at pictures and do games and activities straight from the main computer system. They have also been learning about Kilrea and have been looking at all the different shops and buildings in the town.
I’ve got a brand new combine harvester...
P3 & 4 have been learning about life down on the farm. As part of the topic they have been on a visit to Culmore Organic Farm to see cows being milked and find out about their many other environmental projects including bee keeping.
I want my ‘Mummy’
P5, 6 & 7 have begun studying ancient Egypt. P7 are building their own versions of a ‘shaduf’ for transporting water and all of the children will be finding out about pharaohs, pyramids and mummification before they go to see Queen Takabuti in the Ulster Museum.
P6 & 7 had a great day out when they joined pupils from St Columba’s to release their young salmon into the river. While they were there they did some dipping to look for other insects and creatures which live in and around that watery habitat.
P5 & 6 are also working with St Columba’s to pilot a new activity from the Zomba Action Project. Each week they look at photographs of things at home and in Malawi and post their comments and questions on a discussion forum on the Learning NI network.
Good Sports
April and May haven’t been quite as busy as March but our teams were still out and about. The boys’ football team took part in the ‘James Elliott tournament’ at Bushvalley on Wednesday 5th May which was in aid of the River Search and Rescue Service. The P7s raised £100 to donate towards the charity by organising a penalty shootout competition within school.
The girls have taken part in a netball tournament in Garvagh High School on Tuesday 20th April and are attending a hockey tournament on Friday 21st May.
This term’s After-School club has been netball and we have had two expert coaches in the form of Mrs Sandra Johnston and Mrs Elaine Halliday. Many thanks to them for giving up their time on Tuesday afternoons to help whip everyone into shape.
Officer Gillan has been back with us to talk to the P6 & 7s about stranger danger and the P7s also had a talk about the dangers of alcohol and anti-social behaviour.
P6 & 7 were treated to a visit from Cahoots Magic Maths show on Monday 17th May. Everyone received a book so they can delight their friends with some of the maths tricks but we still don’t know how the girl survived the 16 swords going though the box! All in all it was a day of mysterious magic and amazing maths.
We are also delighted to have the expertise of Mr Mark Anderson, from the Ulster-Scots Society, each week. He is teaching P5-7 pupils the tin whistle until the end of June. So far we have had only 3 weeks of training and can already play 5 tunes!
Natalie Armstrong won first prize of a family ticket to the Ulster Folk and Transport Museum in the Smokebusters competition. She had to design a poster to warn people of the dangers of smoking in the house.
Adam Rowe also won a prize in the Mullin’s competition to design an ice-cream cake and will now receive a cake made to his own specifications. I hope it tastes as good as it sounds!
Viva Espana
Mrs Stinson, Mrs Roulston and Miss Steele set off for the last visit of our Comenius project to Vinaros, a small fishing town and holiday resort on the east coast of Spain. They had a wonderful five days seeing the Spanish school, meeting their friends from Germany, Italy and Slovakia and finding out a little about real Spanish life. They even got to attend a traditional village fiesta on 1st May and see bulls running in the streets. The bulls might have been small but they had fairly large horns. We now intend to finish our two year project with a special day of European themed activities on Friday 11th June.
Eco/Sports Day
On Friday 28th May you are cordially invited to join us for our Eco/Sports Day when we hope the sun will shine. The pupils will take part in a range of environmental activities between 11 and 12 when the Mayor of Coleraine will join us to officially open our new Willow garden. (A huge thank you is due to all those parents who helped with the area and to those who came to weed and paint on our tidy-up night.)
Everyone will then picnic in the school grounds. As we did last year ice-cream will be on sale after the sports.