October 2008

Happy Hallowe’en
This month P1 and 2 have been learning about autumn and looking at all the colours of the falling leaves. They have also been getting ready for Hallowe’en by painting pumpkins and making pumpkin lanterns.
Autumn Antics
P3 and 4 have also been finding out about the changing seasons and have been making apple creams using our own apples, picked in the school grounds. And the credit crunch must be really biting as in craft they have begun to build their own houses out of cardboard.
Climb Every Mountain
Meanwhile P5 and 6 have been looking at mountains around the world. They’ve researched famous mountaineers and learned about World Heritage Sites and famous landmarks made of stone. They also built their own volcano and made it erupt using baking soda and vinegar.
Diamonds are Forever
P7 are still revising hard for the transfer tests on 7th and 21st November but in between they have also been learning about rocks, volcanoes and crystals. Gavin demonstrated how to grow your own crystals and they found out about the precious stones and minerals that can be found in igneous rocks.
‘Ello, ‘ello,’ello
In October we had two talks from the Community Policeman on firework safety and farm safety. He showed a DVD on what can happen if you don’t follow the firework code and brought in a tractor to show us how difficult it is for the driver to see us when we play in the wrong place. We learned that we are not allowed to buy fireworks or sparklers and how adults should use them safely. We also learned that legally we are not allowed to even sit on a tractor until we are fourteen.
Sing, Sing, Sing
The corridors were alive with the sound of music on Thursday 23rd October as the whole school took part in our charity Singathon. Each class performed for the others, we sang songs together and then some brave individuals displayed their talents on the Singstar. Parents also had the opportunity to wow our X-Factor judging panel after the PTA AGM that evening and with performers winning points for their houses, Toberdoney were finally declared the winners. Thanks to all those who took to the stage and for your generous donations to The Arthrogryposis Group .
In The Pink
Additional thanks both for your recycling which raised £192 through Cash for Clobber and for dressing up on our Wear It Pink Day. Lessons were very colourful and with a pink themed lunch, we had a lot of fun as well as raising a total of £273.30 for the Breast Cancer Campaign.
Continental Capers
P1-4 have begun Spanish lessons with Miss Calvin and already have learned their Spanish names and how to greet each other.

Mrs Roulston and Miss Steele were also trying out their language skills on their Comenius Trip to Munster in Germany. As well as learning something about the German education system they met the teachers from our other linked schools in Milan, Italy, Vineros, Spain and Trencin in Slovakia.
Points Make Prizes
Well done to this month’s winning house which was Portna with 181 points.
Fancy dress Frenzy
The half-term came to an end with strange goings on in Kilrea as Scooby-Doo took over the running of things, and all manner of ghosts, ghouls, pirates, witches, footballers, skeletons and fairies were spotted in the corridors.
Don’t Forget!
Have a great Hallowe’en Holiday and be careful with those sparklers and fireworks!