This term P1 and 2 have begun looking at growing things. They have been sowing seeds which have produced shoots already and are drawing pictures of different types of flowers. A florists shop has even appeared in the playroom.
This term P1 and 2 have begun looking at growing things. They have been sowing seeds which have produced shoots already and are drawing pictures of different types of flowers. A florists shop has even appeared in the playroom.
Roll Up Roll Up
P3 and 4 have been displaying their artistic talents by painting giants and portraits inspired by Paul Klee. Their latest topic is the circus and they are now finding out about the different performers and animals which might appear.
P3 and 4 have been displaying their artistic talents by painting giants and portraits inspired by Paul Klee. Their latest topic is the circus and they are now finding out about the different performers and animals which might appear.
Food Matters
P5 and 6 have been examining imports and exports. They have compared food miles and how it makes sense to eat seasonal vegetables as they are cheaper and it’s better for the environment. They have also found out about what happened in the 1840s when blight destroyed our potato crop.
P7 have been continuing their study of Japan and all the technology they produce. They have been using the internet to research robots like Asimo, and are now planning to build their own robots in technology.
P5 and 6 have been examining imports and exports. They have compared food miles and how it makes sense to eat seasonal vegetables as they are cheaper and it’s better for the environment. They have also found out about what happened in the 1840s when blight destroyed our potato crop.
P7 have been continuing their study of Japan and all the technology they produce. They have been using the internet to research robots like Asimo, and are now planning to build their own robots in technology.
This month we have welcomed several visitors into school, including the school nurse and the community police officer, to give talks on a wide range of topics.
Local architects McGarry and Moon helped P5&6 round off their buildings topic by talking about the process of designing a house and showing them how computers have made the job more exciting.
Mr Mark Patterson also launched this year’s salmon project by bringing along some fry for the P6&7 classes to look after and teaching them about the lifecycle of the salmon.
On Wednesday 18th the whole school enjoyed the Puppet Show from FACE Inclusion Matters which explored the difficulties facing those with disabilities and how we can ensure the inclusion of everyone in all activities both in and out of school. The characters not only explained the reasons for their disabilities but answered the children’s questions on many aspects of their daily lives. If you would like to find out more then check out the website on www.faceim.org.uk
Congratulations to P6 and 7 pupils who took part in the Credit Union quiz and after gaining first place the P6 team and supporters travelled to Ballymena on Friday 27th February to do battle once again. After 10 gruelling rounds the team of Sophie Brown, Joseph Hasson, Thomas Gordon and Matthew Gordon finished in joint second place and then faced 2 rounds of tiebreakers before being narrowly pipped to the post for a place in the final in Dublin.
Congratulations to P6 and 7 pupils who took part in the Credit Union quiz and after gaining first place the P6 team and supporters travelled to Ballymena on Friday 27th February to do battle once again. After 10 gruelling rounds the team of Sophie Brown, Joseph Hasson, Thomas Gordon and Matthew Gordon finished in joint second place and then faced 2 rounds of tiebreakers before being narrowly pipped to the post for a place in the final in Dublin.
Eco Matters
The environment is still a priority in Kilrea as this month we have been recycling textiles and making preparations to plant our new organic vegetable garden.
Kirk also came along on Wednesday 11th to present us with second prize for collecting the most Yellow Pages and David Wilson and Chloe Millar were invited to the Council Offices to received special awards for being amongst the highest collectors.
Kirk also came along on Wednesday 11th to present us with second prize for collecting the most Yellow Pages and David Wilson and Chloe Millar were invited to the Council Offices to received special awards for being amongst the highest collectors.
Fit for anything
All the teams are training hard for forthcoming tournaments in football, hockey and badminton. We have also begun a new dinnertime salsa class to help keep students and staff fit.
Movanagher seem to be on a winning streak as they have come out on top for two months running. But the others needn’t worry; there’s still plenty of opportunity to hit the heights.
Movanagher seem to be on a winning streak as they have come out on top for two months running. But the others needn’t worry; there’s still plenty of opportunity to hit the heights.
Don’t Forget!
Book week is from 11th-18th March, with a book themed fancy dress day on Friday 13th and books on sale from Monday 16th.
School closes for the Easter holidays on Friday 3rd and reopens on Monday 20th April.
Book week is from 11th-18th March, with a book themed fancy dress day on Friday 13th and books on sale from Monday 16th.
School closes for the Easter holidays on Friday 3rd and reopens on Monday 20th April.