March 2008 Newsletter

Salmon Fry in Primary 7

After half term numbers in primary seven increased dramatically with the arrival of over 100 salmon fry. They live in a fish tank and are kept at river water temperatures in a fridge. To date most of them have hatched and are feeding on their yolk sacs. They will be returned to the river in early April.

Bridge Building

As part of the Education for Employability pilot which the school is taking part in P7 pupils went to Castleroe Primary to help four civil engineers build a suspension bridge. This proved great fun and hopefully will encourage some to become civil engineers. Mrs. Morrison spent two days with Coleraine Council learning about environmental health and recycling challenges. Miss McConaghie spent two days with Dale Farm charting the processing of milk.

Rugby Challenge

P5 – 7 boys took part in a day of Tag Rugby at Coleraine Rugby club which they really enjoyed. Mrs Cooper has attended training also and this was an exciting end to the coaching sessions for the term.

Dog Warden and Vet Visit P3 and 4

P3 and 4 enjoyed a visit from the Dog Warden from Coleraine Borough Council who brought Sandy and showed the pupils how to pet a dog properly – on the neck and not the head. They also learnt that dogs need love, food, exercise and sleep.

The vet, Mr. Brown, brought Phoebe, another dog, with him. He talked about his job and how he had to study for five years at University. He also explained how to look after Phoebe.

Heart Start

Mrs Morrison has been to training on Heartstart and P7 are hoping to take their test after Easter. They are also preparing for cycling proficiency which they will complete in June.

Book Fair

The Annual Book Fair was a great success once again, with prizes for the best three posters in each class sponsored by the PTA. Books to the value of £723 were sold and the class libraries were enhanced by over £350 of new books. Mrs. Steele also came to tell stories to all the classes and encourage them to enjoy reading.

Road Safety Quiz Winners.

Two teams represented the school at the Coleraine district Road Safety Quiz in Coleraine Rugby club. Both teams answered really well and William Brown, S J Kelso Mason, Andrew McIlrath and Lee Armstrong won goody bags. Judith Laughlin, Charlotte Linton, Timothy Shiels and Calvyn Smyth were the overall winners beating St. Columba’s in second place and Garvagh Primary in third. They won a new trophy and vouchers. On Wednesday 19th March they will take part in the N.I. final in Ballymena.

Indoor football

Seven boys took part in the indoor football competition arranged by Northern Regional college students at the University of Ulster in Coleraine. They won one match but did not qualify for the final. Well done against stiff opposition from Garvagh, Bushvalley and Harpur’s Hill

Hockey Tournament

Primary six and seven girls took part in a hockey match at Coleraine Girls high school and won one of their matches against Ballymoney Model but lost the other two to Knockloughrim and Hazlett primaries. Thanks to Mrs. Laughlin for her help with coaching. They are looking forward to another tournament at Dalriada after Easter.

Library Visits

P1 and 2 went to the library in Kilrea to meet the author Steve Weatherill who writes and illustrates the Baby Goz stories and many other tales and non fiction books. He showed them how to draw Goz and some of the other characters. They acted out the stories and some children got to dress up as different characters.

Primary 7 also had a visit to hear a story and see how the non fiction section is arranged so that they will be able to find books on their topics more easily.

Yellow woods Challenge

Last week Councillor Hickey and Kirk came to hand over the prize for runner up in the council Yellow Pages recycling collection. She also presented cheques to Chloe Millar for the 2nd highest individual total and David Wilson who was 3rd highest. Both had collected over 100 yellow pages. Well done to both.

The Inspector Calls

Last Thursday the new Inspector, Miss Crawford, called to meet the teachers and see the classrooms. She asked the children what they liked best at school and the answers included play, nice friends and nice teachers and computers.

Easter Assembly

Last Friday all pupils took part in a special assembly to celebrate Easter. The p7 pupils played their recorders and primary six did a play in the form of news reports from Jerusalem at the time of the crucifixion. All the classes sang Easter hymns.

Share Centre Visit

This week P6 and P7 pupils are enjoying a trip to the Share Centre accompanied by Mrs. Arthur and Miss Steele. They will also visit the Marble Arch caves and Tyrone Crystal on Wednesday.

Non Uniform day

It is Non uniform day on Thursday and school will close at 2.00pm.

New Term

School will open again on Thursday 3rd April. Happy holidays!!