New Arrivals: Mrs Cooper welcomed 12 new P1 pupils this year and the P2’s have been helping them to settle in. This term they have been learning about hospitals and have even created one in the playroom. They had a visit from a nurse to answer all their questions and Mrs Cooper also introduced them to her new niece while they talked about growing up.
5-a-Day! P3 and 4 have been on a visit to the library and have been studying the topic of ‘Ourselves’. They have drawn their family trees and are now learning about their bodies and how to look after them. This week, for one day only, they are opening a Healthy Eating Cafe in their classroom. Mrs Gordon is getting worried!
Body Matters P5 and 6 have also been learning about the body and how the organs interact to keep us alive. They have tested their pulse rates before and after exercise, talked about the benefits of balanced diets and carried out an experiment to illustrate the dangers of smoking.
Bombay Dreams: Apart from all their transfer work P7 have also been studying India. They have looked at maps and carried out research on the climate, clothes, landscape and food. In art they have been producing some beautiful designs based on Indian techniques.
European Day of Languages: Wednesday 26th September was European Day of Languages. All the classes greeted each other in other languages, played games and learned songs from other countries. P4-7 had a visit from Margaritte who is from Poland and works in Kilrea. She told them about what it was like to move to a new country knowing very little of the language and taught them a little bit of Polish.
New Computers: We had our new computers installed in the first week of October. They have flat screens and everyone has been having fun trying out the new games and software.
Walk the Line: All classes limbered up to enjoy the warm October weather and take part in their sponsored walk. The P7s walked 5 miles within the town limits and the other classes walked up to 2-and-a-half miles around the school grounds. A cheque for £2800 was presented to the Northern Ireland Cancer Fund for Children last Friday and a huge vote of thanks to all those who supported this venture so generously. Thanks also for your support of the Wings Appeal which this year raised £160.20.
Turn Off That Tap! On Thursday 18th October the Waterbus came to visit. P3 to P7 climbed on board to hear about where we get our water, how it is cleaned and why it is so important to conserve it.
Sports Roundup: The new school year has kicked off with the boys playing in their first football tournament. Although they won several games they did not qualify for the finals. Never mind, better luck next time boys!
Curriculum Changes: On Thursday 27th September parents were invited to hear about the Revised Curriculum which is being introduced in P1 and P5 this year. If you have any questions please ask your child’s teacher.
BEETLE!!!! Around 100 parents and children had great fun on Thursday 25th October at the end of term Beetle Drive. Lots of noise and shouts of ‘Beetle!’ were heard as dice were shaken and the players got drawing. Meanwhile the PTA held their AGM. Many thanks to those parents who have left the Committee, and best wishes to the new members for the year ahead.
Don’t Forget!
School is closed on Wednesday 31st, Thursday 1st and Friday 2nd November.
The Transfer tests take place on Friday 9th and 23rd November. Those not taking the test can enjoy a lie in as school will not open until 11.10 a.m.
Happy Hallowe’en!
5-a-Day! P3 and 4 have been on a visit to the library and have been studying the topic of ‘Ourselves’. They have drawn their family trees and are now learning about their bodies and how to look after them. This week, for one day only, they are opening a Healthy Eating Cafe in their classroom. Mrs Gordon is getting worried!
Body Matters P5 and 6 have also been learning about the body and how the organs interact to keep us alive. They have tested their pulse rates before and after exercise, talked about the benefits of balanced diets and carried out an experiment to illustrate the dangers of smoking.
Bombay Dreams: Apart from all their transfer work P7 have also been studying India. They have looked at maps and carried out research on the climate, clothes, landscape and food. In art they have been producing some beautiful designs based on Indian techniques.
European Day of Languages: Wednesday 26th September was European Day of Languages. All the classes greeted each other in other languages, played games and learned songs from other countries. P4-7 had a visit from Margaritte who is from Poland and works in Kilrea. She told them about what it was like to move to a new country knowing very little of the language and taught them a little bit of Polish.
New Computers: We had our new computers installed in the first week of October. They have flat screens and everyone has been having fun trying out the new games and software.
Walk the Line: All classes limbered up to enjoy the warm October weather and take part in their sponsored walk. The P7s walked 5 miles within the town limits and the other classes walked up to 2-and-a-half miles around the school grounds. A cheque for £2800 was presented to the Northern Ireland Cancer Fund for Children last Friday and a huge vote of thanks to all those who supported this venture so generously. Thanks also for your support of the Wings Appeal which this year raised £160.20.
Turn Off That Tap! On Thursday 18th October the Waterbus came to visit. P3 to P7 climbed on board to hear about where we get our water, how it is cleaned and why it is so important to conserve it.
Sports Roundup: The new school year has kicked off with the boys playing in their first football tournament. Although they won several games they did not qualify for the finals. Never mind, better luck next time boys!
Curriculum Changes: On Thursday 27th September parents were invited to hear about the Revised Curriculum which is being introduced in P1 and P5 this year. If you have any questions please ask your child’s teacher.
BEETLE!!!! Around 100 parents and children had great fun on Thursday 25th October at the end of term Beetle Drive. Lots of noise and shouts of ‘Beetle!’ were heard as dice were shaken and the players got drawing. Meanwhile the PTA held their AGM. Many thanks to those parents who have left the Committee, and best wishes to the new members for the year ahead.
Don’t Forget!
School is closed on Wednesday 31st, Thursday 1st and Friday 2nd November.
The Transfer tests take place on Friday 9th and 23rd November. Those not taking the test can enjoy a lie in as school will not open until 11.10 a.m.
Happy Hallowe’en!