Autumn News 2006

Kilrea Primary School newsletter from October 2006.

Starting out -This year there are 9 P1 pupils who are already working hard at their new Jolly Phonics. Along with the P2s they have been learning about trees and the coloured autumn leaves. Next week will be even more exciting when they make pumpkin pies and lanterns for Hallowe’en.

Master Plans - P3 and 4 are concentrating on houses this term. They have looked at plans, tested different building techniques and even made their own houses out of cardboard and paper.

Children’s Classics - In P5 & P6 they have gone mad on maps, read some classic novels, sketched Mesolithic hunting scenes and made Neolithic pots.

Schoolhouse Rock - While P7’s are working hard for their transfer test next month they still have had time to learn about the stone-age and have travelled back in time to write stories and do some cave paintings of their own.

‘This Old House’ - This year we have introduced a new house system and everyone is working hard to make sure their house comes out on top. The September winners of the house cup were Portna (blues), but Movanagher (reds) and Toberdoney (greens) are both determined to beat them next time!

Vive La Difference! - Tuesday 26th September was European Day of Languages and everyone marked the occasion by greeting each other in French, Spanish, German and Italian. Even the rolls were called in different languages and the day ended by singing songs and performing dances from all over Europe.

Fantasy Football - The boys’ football team has had a good start to the season when they won all their matches both last week in Kilrea and yesterday in Ballycastle. Good luck boys for the final next Wednesday.

Eco-Schools - We may have got all our Eco-flags but the good work continues. If you have begun the ‘autumn’ cleaning and have textiles to recycle or shoes which no longer fit, remember you can leave them in to school up until Monday 6th November. Shoes and football boots will be sent to our partner school, Mponda, in Zomba, Malawi.

New Technology - The P3/4 and P5/6 classes have had some excitement this term with the arrival of their new interactive whiteboards. Now we’re all seeing ‘the bigger picture’!