May News 2006

Kilrea Primary School newsletter from May 2006.

Nature Watch - P1 & P2 have been out and about in the school grounds. They have been on a butterfly hunt and they have looked at all the different trees in the wildlife area. They have also done some planting of their own, from sweet pea to potatoes.

Old Macdonald… - P3 & P4 have been enjoyed getting mucky learning about the farm. They have planted their own peas and carrots and are looking forward to harvest time in September. Those who couldn’t wait that long got to make their own three course dinner out of clay – not quite so tasty!
Round the Town

P5, 6 & 7 have been rounding off their work on Victorians by taking a guided tour of the town with Mrs Pearl Hutchinson from the local history group. They have talked about the Mercers Company, who built the original school on this site in the 1860s, and looked at some of the other buildings in the town which they sponsored.

Share and Share Alike - The end of May saw 21 P6 and P7 children set off for the wilds of Fermanagh for three days of visits and activities based at Share Holiday Village. The trip began with kayaking and climbing and next morning the group explored the Marble Arch Caves before climbing aboard the banana boat. The bus home took them via America (ok, Omagh) where highlights included meeting Mr Thomas Mellon himself and, even better, Mr Eamon Holmes! They returned home tired and exhausted but everyone agreed it had been a brilliant trip.

Welcome Visitors - Our first visitor this month was Fiona Roebuck from ZAP, who had recently returned from Zomba. She gave us a talk and showed us some pictures of Mponda school which we have begun links with. She had taken out some letters from our classes and brought back letters from the children there. We hope to continue this link in the future and learn more about our friends in Malawi.
P6&7 have been having weekly visits from Susanne from Austria, who is teaching them to speak German, Yvonne Wylie from SU came to take Assembly and all classes have visited Kilrea library to hear stories and learn about how a library is organised.

Eco-Warriors! - Parents, staff and pupils have been hard at work earning their fourth and final Eco-flag. On the action days everyone pitched in to paint, weed, dig, sweep and sow to leave the school looking ship-shape and ready for inspection. On the big day pupils from the Eco-school committee escorted the inspectors around the grounds and told them about all the activities they had enjoyed over the last two years to improve their school, their health and the environment.

It was all worth it when, on our Eco-Celebration Day, the Mayor of Coleraine presented us with our permanent flag, the first in the Coleraine area.

We also had great fun trying out Fiona Watter’s games and learning about trees with Tommy Collins but the highlight for some was being allowed to sound the sirens on the police car and the fire engine. Thanks to all who contributed to this very successful venture.

Summer Season - After all the excitement of our celebration day everyone collected their sandwiches and ice-cream and spread their rugs on the grass to enjoy lunch. This was a great opportunity for parents, friends and children to have a chat and relax before exerting themselves on the sports field. The weather may have been a little breezy but that didn’t deter our faithful picnickers and thanks must go to Mrs Gordon and Mrs Greer for all their hard work.